Saturday, 29 January 2022

Life and health and peace...

 Things are pretty devastated right now. Society is broken in a manner that is comprehensively abysmal (the reality just hasn't sunk in yet), and the majority of the church is still playing with sticking plasters and the pretence that we can quietly 'just continue', making press statements about how 'good' people have been and how the troubles are pretty well over - what utter nonsense.

Some are looking for a far deeper and more genuine solution. As Jordan Peterson noted this week, the next phase after being released from slavery isn't paradise - it's the wilderness, where all we've known is gone, and we avoid the void by inventing new idols to venerate, because we're afraid to go deeper.

How do we draw from the well of salvation in a fashion that truly satisfies and heals?

Phil Sacre has begun a new series to explore just that, and the first part of that is a really excellent step back into what counts, so if you get an opportunity, sit down and take in what he's pointing to here - it's genuinely worth it.

Sunday, 23 January 2022

"It's all good"

 "They have lightly treated the trauma of my people, seeking to dress this deep wound with words to pacify - a gloss of safety when there is only what is detestable". Jeremiah 6:14.

Clunk, Click, was the advice, remember. Fascinating now to think of exactly who was made famous by giving us guidance here on safety!

It's the analogy that's been used repeatedly these past two years- lockdowns, masks, jabs... they're all 'necessary' because they're all just like seat belts - a necessary precaution that protects you and others during dangerous times.

Except, of course, we've known from early in April 2020, (at the end of those three weeks to "flatten the curve") just how 'safe' most of us actually were - just 17,301 deaths from a virus over two years (around average for the general flu outbreaks), with no major difference in deaths between the places that rigorously employed these "safety belts" and those that didn't. Let that sink in. The Diamond Princess incident in March 2020 provided all the data required to show exactly what the virus would do, and it's done exactly that, so all the "precautions" achieved nothing positive, and did massive damage to millions and to society.

Which brings us back to where we commenced... safety belts.

Back in 2006, journalist David Bjerklie wrote a fascinating analysis for Time magazine concerning the work of John Adams of University College, London into the dangers of the general use of seat belts. Adam's research in some 18 countries over 25 years revealed that the employment of such devices had not only not prevented many accidents, but actually brought about an increase in road deaths. Adams' research showed that using belts adjusted the manner in which drivers responded to their environment, making them feel they could, in effect, take more risks, and therefore, there was a growth in accidents.

The 'risks' we were encouraged to take recently was to avoid being outdoors and engaging with normal life as much as possible, but the virus actually thrived in confined shared spaces, where it was easily transmissible. We have been continually urged to be injected with untested (long-term) experimental materials, but the message about the value of sunlight and exercise, zinc and vitamins, and known effective treatments like Ivermectin were suppressed and deemed in some cases to be false. The doctors that sought to speak up about this were cancelled and ridiculed, but now, as MRNA efficacy continually falls below zero everywhere, these solutions are almost certainly going to prove to be the only viable way forward.

The world often assumes what is best for us. LSD was employed not so long ago as a remedy for alcoholism. The American company Gilbert Hall of Science sold an 'atomic energy lab' toy which included small doses of radioactive material (!), and people were encouraged to participate in exercising in the LA smog, as it was stated it would 'do them good'. Even lobotomy's were viewed as helpful!

If we merely adhere to the "sound" reasoning of the moment - "you must stay indoors" - then our faith will become defined as "irrelevant" (official GOV.UK statement regarding church) during times of crisis, and if we have leaders, secular and religious, that affirm such reasoning, we have entered a time when Christianity must REJECT such folly.

Scientism has proved itself, when given political authority, to be a poison to our day, and we cannot afford to merely shrug and say it's fine. The damage is deep, dreadful and will permeate our lives for decades to come. We cannot afford to ignore that.

We must look deeper, press harder, go further, to be those who affirm truth.

Without that manner of earnest endeavour, we can never see healing in ourselves, the church, or the world. The Cross shows us just how total God's answer to the blight of our folly had to be, and we must live in the shadow of that truth.

Friday, 21 January 2022


 "A false balance is abominable to the Lord, but a properly proportioned weight is a delight". Proverbs 11:1.

There have been lots of audible sighs this week as the word of the "end" of restrictions spread, and that's entirely understandable, but that deserved sense of relief has been accompanied, rightly, amongst many, with expressions of fury over the marooned wreck of our society that has been produced by the so called 'health' policies of our incarceration.

Barrister Francis Hoar conveyed the devastation so well: "It (these policies) was the worse public policy decision in modern times. I hope we will look back - if we have any sanity, historically -and wonder what it was that caused us to abandon all our pandemic preparations, all our experience regarding the progression of respiratory viruses, and most important of all, all our understanding of the importance of freedom and constitutional probity, through democracy, in governing ourselves.... I identified the fundamental problems in March 2020 with this - the monomania, the concentration solely on one virus. The fact that no attempt was made to identify what harms this would cause, notwithstanding that both the Government's and the WHO's own plans in 2019 recommended against implementing far more moderate measures. What we ended up with was a Chinese communist experiment. If we look at the evidence that we knew about in March 2020, spoken of by Michael Levitt, a Nobel Laureate, and Professor Ioannidis, of Stanford University - one the most sited scientists in the world, were saying that the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship (March 2020), was a golden opportunity to observe and learn the nature of the virus, giving us the age stratification of infection, and showing that only mainly elderly people were seriously at risk.... This shows that this was never the desperately dangerous pandemic that we were told. We knew this from the start - the average age of death was over the average age of general mortality.... Even if this had been a far more serious issue, so 700,000 people or more dying here, even then, it would not have been justified or proportionate to shut down our society. The reason is now clear - lockdowns do not prevent viral spread. The comparative evidence, not the modelling, shows they made no real difference in respect to this, but crippled society. The long-term consequences of these inept policies will be with us, and with our children - who we have thrown to the wolves - for decades to come. It is absolutely shameful that our political elites have legislated for this to happen. It is disgraceful and unconscionable that the opposition and the media have never asked the questions that they should have raised continually throughout this madness. We have used an act or Parliament that was never envisaged for that purpose to give leaders powers that they should never have had. We as a country should be deeply ashamed of all of this".

The 'false balance" employed in this affair has not only stained and ruined the land, but it has nurtured and nourished a blight that will mark us for the rest of our days.

We want this to be over, but the truth, already evident in respect to two evils, is that this malady has only just begun.

We are now being told to "live" with the plague itself, supposedly because the latest variant allows that, but the deeper reality is that MRNA materials have failed, comprehensively, to provide any long-term resolution, and now we are faced with the ongoing reality of what these same materials will produce in vast numbers of the population in the days ahead.

The collateral damage is vast. Few of us have been left unscathed in some fashion by what has unfolded, and where this will steer society next is clearly going to be awful.  Germany, for example, has now announced that anyone "unmarked" by the vaccination program are to be considered "enemies of the state".

We are driving headlong into a holocaust with global casualties, and the awful horror is just how few realise or understand the murderous evil unfolding around them.

Christ alone brings the riches of justice and truth - a balanced weight.

His Kingdom will rightly endure forever.

Saturday, 15 January 2022


 Stop, listen and take this deeply to yourselves.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

S a n c t i t y

 "It seems quite natural for our politicians to enforce vaccination; and it would also seem madness to them to enforce baptism".

G K Chesterton - Eugenics and other evils.

"These have been subjected to captivity by the curia, and the church deprived of her liberty".

Martin Luther - introduction to the Babylonian Captivity of the Church.

We would be lying if any of us sought to state that Pinocchio's famous line "I have no strings on me' didn't apply. This present crisis has assisted in bringing many such 'attachments' to the fore, but none perhaps more so than the adoration of the image of making each of us capital for a very specific dream, (fostered by those intent on "greatness") - that for us to witness true cultural sanctity, we must exclude those deemed to be too 'selfish' to belong the ranks of the (marginally) immune.

Within this creed is the very 'ex cathedra' of unquestionable merit - the imprimatur obtained from the ritual infusion of the material which, may not cure you, may not actually protect you, but most certainly makes you one of the new commonwealth of the accepted.

This is the new 'infused righteousness' of the new religion, the unassailable Tridentine cannon of our re-set society, where what was is entirely subservient to the ascendance of the new priests of "scientific" precepts is to be all.

I have spoken here intentionally in religious terms, for make no mistake, just as "cultic" churches or movements cause harm in the name of the divine, so our new credo of specific validation is indeed the device by which a 'doctrine' brings a foul de-facing of the likeness of the sacred.

It all began in the guise of something helpful enough - a "Vaccine" which would most assuredly shield us all from something menacing by being provided to those 'most at risk', but that scenario was quickly shunted away until we reached the point where JCVI guidance (the "science") was equally brushed aside to make way for 'the magic' to be dispensed to children.

The truth about this 'wonder' was also hidden from our view. Like an indulgence of prior times, it promised much (around 90% efficacy) but would in reality deliver very little, leaving us in a situation where the world is now facing the growing reality that the future must essentially be faced without such a cure.

It is in this realm of consequence that we view the true outcome of faith in such a remedy. A "predispostion towards social conformity at the expense of autonomy" (Erik Till defining authoritarianism) is clearly in the air. When 56% of England's populace express a desire for vaccination against this virus to be mandatory, 65% are apparently in favour of vaccine passports, and 63% believe masks should be in use in all public areas, including outdoors, then you can gauge the 'mood language' of society, and we shouldn't think this is new. Massive CCTV coverage, a national DNA database and facial recognition check-outs in supermarket chains all register our acceptance and ease with the 'deposition' just stated... and the comfort that is taken from this manner of civil incarceration.

The alternative - of actual freedom, defined by genuine responsibility, is readily understood to be too costly, too heavy a burden. Our social authoritarianism allows us to become entirely defined, coordinated, "administered" and provisioned by a jurisdiction whose "measured" austerity is commonly viewed as acceptable.

Looking at all of this as someone in a regular but probably 'distant orbit' around what might be termed the Wittenberg model (Reformational Lutheranism), I have had a profound problem since the day this was all implemented nationally as something which defined church-going in general and Christianity as officially 'irrelevant' to the present. Others have viewed this response as something of an aberration on my part - that I have a "hair-trigger feel for the slightest provocation" (VOL - earth has no sorrow, that heaven can't heal), but I suspect it's because back in the 1990's I had a 'moment' when I encountered the objective power of justification that rooted me to what fuelled Paul's rage in the opening of his letter to the Galatians

The ramifications of this, I believe, are clear - both in respect to the perfect work God has done for us in Christ and in our response to that. When a "religion" emerges which seeks to detach us or distance us from the perfect work of Christ to gain confidence in other means (be those mechanisms deemed 'spiritual' or 'secular'), we have a responsibility to weigh them and find them wanting. If a 'system' seeks to reel us in to any apparatus which dilutes our confidence in the Gospel itself, we should counter such with the unassailable liberty made ours by Christ's shed blood alone.

From the moment it was announced that the single solution to the new threat was to 'stay at home', I found myself ill at ease, and when it quickly followed that churches were to be closed, and the majority of Christians affirmed this, that distress become paramount. How could we reconcile this with our calling and responsibilities?

The worry was marginally eased by the notion that this all would be ended in a matter of weeks (March, 2020), but when, in that Summer, I found myself conversing with ministers who were already contemplating further conformity in the Winter at the expense of Christmas, I knew that we had already accommodated too far.

That is why I say this IS a Gospel issue.

Since the summer of this past year, it's become clear that the virus has begun to become something reasonably manageable for the majority, and the decision in July to lift restrictions underlined this, but those 'controls' have not passed into memory, and very few regions on the planet are now actively pursing policies which prevent their stoic implementation, or seeking to discourage the manner of social rhetoric concerning the 'self excluded' which accompanies this. Only this week, a major UK paper re-affirmed the absolute necessity to drive such from every convention and pleasure of 'normal' society.

The partiality towards those 'beatified' by the gift of a pharmaceutical patch (continually dispensed) justifies the downfall of those 'outside the camp' and the demarcation into the safe and the unclean. This cannot and must not be so.

The slavery of the day may be comforting compared to the journey we must make, but we cannot afford to reject the actual calling to become those of the stature God requires. Freedom is gained when we know that we only overcome 'by the blood of the Lamb and the faithfulness of testimony'. May this indeed be so.

The Lord help us.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Labouring for the wind

 "Guard your steps when you go to the house of the Lord. To draw near to listen is far better than to offer the rash sacrifice of the ignorant, who fail to understand that what they do is evil. Don't be foolhardy with your words, or ill-considered in what you say to God, who is far above you - let your words be few, for dreamers and fools come with agendas, and the rash uttering of such is profuse". Ecclesiastes 5:1-3.

"Let your communication always be true, because evil resides where this is not so". Matthew 5:37.

"This general state of careless affairs created a more effective inoculation against faith (and truth) than a hundred philosophical arguments. The desire to engage with truth itself simply went out of fashion". Gravedigger - The Sandman Effect.

As was noted last night, it has been a 'day' of forthright statements by 'the' leaders on how they see the present situation, but it's what they don't see that is really troubling. Neil Oliver is correct to point out that they're not seeing the thin ice of their position, or the deep abyss beneath it - all because they are seeking to trade in a response to the virus which is "the inverse of what is rational" (Dr Bret Weinstein).

Forthright as well was the clarity contained in the new proposed legislation of the forthcoming On-line safety act, which will seek to make what is "legal but harmful" (think about that) a recognised offence, and therefore criminal.

Such approaches, seeking to steer the wind, are going to reap a havoc beyond their means to comprehend, not least because it stirs a necessity for escaping the insanity of when evil is not only defined as, but revered as good.

The careless words from our leaders, 'temporal and spiritual' have risen to the point of open stupidity - more so then usual - of late, and the folly behind such noxious orations has started to come home to roost. The sleep is falling like scales in many quarters, and with it is the chafe of a system which has, clearly, confined us all without merit.

The "repeating pattern of seemingly rehearsed words" (Oliver) given by those "leaders" tell us everything - by promoting, in unison, the inverse of what is actually necessary for our well-being and betterment, they have underlined their total folly in respect to this crisis.

Thankfully, this ship of fools is not only accountable to themselves, or even to us, in respect to their misdemeanours, but a far higher power. He looks upon such utterances with the weight and gravitas they truly deserve, and judges accordingly.

When a national leader disowns certain people, saying they are no longer citizens because he wishes to merely agitate them, he crosses a line in respect to how each person must be treated - with respect and honour. When our own leader lies about the efficacy of a certain treatment to bolster the state argument against an athlete who is perfectly healthy, he denies the truth of what is actually happening, and that will return in a manner that multiples his troubles.

God is not mocked. when we open our mouths to sow falsehood and derision, there will be consequences. God, in this context, is absolutely no respecter of persons - whatever their station or role... they will be held to account.

It is time to be far more sober about our words and deeds, especially those which impact so directly upon those whom God cherishes so much that He sacrificed Himself to redeem.

The 'agenda' of folly must be closed. The consequences if this doesn't happen will be final... and fatal.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

One to watch...

 "Watch, then, and be amazed".

It's not easy to get hold of (I had to buy a copy from Germany, but you can view it on Amazon Prime), but it is a MUST WATCH true story that drips with the poverty of our depravity, the magnificence of our nobility and the necessity for unmerited mercy. Simply one of the BEST films of our time, The Professor and the Madman speaks volumes about the value and purpose of genuine, sacrificial love that stems from the beauty of God. Enjoy!

Thursday, 6 January 2022


 "By the time of this conversation, he had been coming down to the river area with others most nights for nearly two months. What was seen there, in the very heart of capital, hadn't stopped shocking him, even though he'd already witnessed depravation. The children distressed him most - how young they were, and how sick. Respiratory diseases, malnourishment, exposure - all of it a short drive from unimaginable wealth". The Never Ending Sacrifice by Una Mc Cormack.

"The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them". Ezekiel 34:4.

Two 'jolts' (so far) this week - 

The first was when I heard a Scientist speak of our present 'dancing on the edge of a cliff'. One example he provided - if the sun ejects a major coronal mass towards the earth in the next few years (which is highly possible - it's due), an enormous part of the world's electrical power grid could quickly collapse, not for a day, or weeks, or even months... but for years, and this is something that has been known about for quite some time, and is rectifiable if a reasonable amount of money is invested in redundancy systems, but this has not been done, so the consequences would be catastrophic, not only in respects to power, but to computer technology.

The second was a UK journalist noting the fact that due to the incremental growth in L-F (and a stepping away from PCR) testing this week, we have, in effect, re-introduced a 'lockdown by stealth' in the country. This comes at a moment when the very infrastructure of many regions is already hanging by a thread because of the amount of workers having to report sick due to positive testing for what is, in most cases, an incredibly mild sickness.

When you then factor in that as a result of steps towards ID papers, Virtual Currencies, and the 'testing' of the first social credit systems beyond Wales and into London, you see a clear line of implementation of policies that will distinguish the 'approved' from the dissident.

This is worrying enough, but what is clearly occurring in this culture quake is something far worse - the alienation of most people from the very means of what is necessary to live and thrive.

Consider how these past two years has, in effect, detached so many from general health care, and education, and their livelihoods. Consider how, even though the major aspects of the viral crisis ceased months ago, the stringent restrictions continue to be implemented to impact upon every aspect of daily life, impeding any opportunities to see a return to the manner of behaviour and well-being that was common not so long ago.

All of this shares an essential direction and objective - to re-shape the world into a very warped and dislocated future, where poverty and pain have become commonplace for many.

Listening to the impassioned plea from a person who has worked tirelessly in the realm of Mental health aid today was sobering, especially as she spoke of the the 'thinning line of caring doctors and nurses' who are, essentially, the last line before the existing health service falls into disarray - that is how close this manner of breakdown is from becoming widespread.

The prophet Ezekiel also focuses upon another problem - the nature of the disposition of the 'Sheep' of the land (Ezekiel 34: 1-24). The "Shepherds" had so given themselves over to their craving for power and its rewards that the people had not only become neglected in real terms, but "prey" to these cravings, merely viewed as a means to satiate the unceasing appetite of their overseers, but God states that enough of this has already occurred, and now, He Himself will come to rescue and aid those so abused in this manner, having been left scattered and unprotected. This intervention will also be one of judgement for those who have so abused their role (17-24), banishing those 'wild beasts' (vs 29) that health may be restored and what is good is renewed.

It may seem hard to view such a flourishing at present in the midst of all these continuing troubles, but this week has brought a glint of light in respect to the Therenos case in America... 

Once estimated as having a value of some 9 Billion Dollars, Elizabeth Holmes’ company was awarded the Bioscience "Company of the year award" in 2015, attracting directors which included Henry Kissinger and investors like Rupert Murdoch. 

The main pitch of the company was a simple one – they devised a ‘blood drop’ device that could, apparently, detect all manner of diseases without the need for far more intrusive and extensive tests. 

The method was a sure-fire winner, leading to some 700 million dollars investment by its backers, and the likes of Joe Biden stating that such medical innovation was the ‘way forward’ for the future.The problems, however, commenced right there. 

In 2015, Scientific Investigator John Ionnidis looked into the method and the results of the company’s testing, and found it to be entirely bogus, throwing up anomalous results and clearly unable to perform the function it claimed. 

Holmes and her associates then sought to bury the truth, using regular blood testing companies to cover their deceit and even creating a false laboratory as a shop window for investors. 

The rouse continued as Holmes accrued a personal nest egg of around four and a half billion dollars, but the truth eventually broke out, and in 2018, she and her partners were charged with fraud, with the trial facing numerous delays due to the pandemic. Holmes was found guilty this week on 11 charges, and now awaits sentencing.

As I sought to show in my prior mailing, data is now available which implicates another big Medical Technology company in respect to the MRNA materials, and it's interesting to note that John Ionnidis was one of the first voices raised in concern in respect to this, but with the enormous 'Nuremberg 2' lawsuit prepping to begin court proceedings soon, there is clearly going to be other developments in respect to this.

Christianity shows that there is only one true Shepherd worthy of the role, and it is only by our becoming equally 'meek and lowly' that we truly serve well, thereby gearing ourselves to truly feed and protect God's pasture (creation). Let us hope and pray that 2022 may be a season of such renewal and care.

Monday, 3 January 2022


"Each of us will give an account of himself before God". Romans 14:12.

Time is running out for the corporations that have ruined the world these past two years. Whilst billions are being made in respect to an 'inoculation' that does not prevent the spread or even serious impact of a flu-like virus, thousands, if not millions, are now suffering the consequences of taking that jab. Now, for the first time, it is becoming clear that the damage this would do was known by these companies from the very first trials undertaken.

In this shocking video, the data is clearly laid out and explained in a straightforward manner... and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Please share this as widely as possible. The truth must be told.