"Be yourself mindful of this - your adversary the Devil is looking, prowling for those he hates, seeking to devour them! Resistance is imperative! Sufferance of this manner is common for the Christian, but such suffering when endured well will bring genuine refreshment in Gods good grace and confirm your faith" 1 Peter 7:11.
So yesterday, I was listening to a discussion on a Christian podcast concerning the value of the Biblical doctrine of Creation, and how this plays such an important role in how we seek to unpack and live our lives here, because it is the fact that the world that is here has been designed to open our eyes to its Creator which should be behind every aspect of life.
Helpful then, when suddenly, the two Christians talking decide to inform us just how dangerous it was in recent times (from 2020) for their follow believers to 'go against the science' in respect to their response to recent events.
There's no elaboration of this statement, so I presume they are raising a warning against people who questioned the mainstream response to the 2020 crisis (the 'science').
This is tragic, and needs to remind us just how much of the church is still choosing to conform to directives and mandates that are entirely contrary from authorities to the clear Apostolic requirements regarding our responsibilities to "BE" church whatever the external circumstances - free in Christ.
Enough material concerning the entire failure of the authorities to actually protect people has been accumulator in the last 18 months to show the response was evil, and Christianity must now show this clearly in the manner it operates and goes forward. he time for such vile social compromise is well expired! Time for the church to show the Devil the door and allow Christ is full reign over us, whatever suffering this may bring!