Thursday, 20 July 2017

The rewards of uncomfortable conversations

'Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks'.
Proverbs 4:23

The tweet said it all.
"Someday, not now, I'd like to have a real conversation".
How many others who are never devoid of their technology these days could say the same?

People spend inordinate amounts of time talking.
Is that really conversing?

It costs to really talk.

Thoughts, feelings, opinions, they all become exchanged, but are you getting closer, deeper, further into knowing who you're talking to by what's being exchanged...?

Is there something more that could be, should be said, but never is?

Conversation truly happens when it discloses the who, the core of me.

Conversation is dangerous.

Once, there was a man, crippled, waiting for a cure to his ailment.
He thought he was in the right place, he just needed the right moment, the right conditions, to take the final step, and...

For years, it was always the same. The moment just never came.
However close it sometimes seemed to be, he was still here, no different.
Like everyone else in this place of longing, he was locked inside the never-changing truth.
However much he wanted to be whole... he was still crippled inside.

Today was different. 
Someone new was beside him, really talking to Him... asking him to do the very thing he'd longingly thought about, dreamed about, but never realized.

This one, this whole person, was making it happen, giving him the strength to get up, to leave the convalescence of his broken self and find a health that, moments ago, was impossible.

A conversation happened, and life changed.

The event didn't end there, because there were plenty ready to jump on the one who had spoken so deeply, and tell him you can't do that - actually 'speak' to someone. Why, what would happen if you keep on doing that?

We'd hear deeper, clearer, than we ever thought we could.

Our world is restless in it's chatter.

Are we ready for a conversation?

The one who heals, who truly speaks is waiting.

"You search, but you cannot see what needs to found - needs to be heard.
You cannot hear me.
The very things you search are telling you this, but you cannot hear it.

When you hear me, everything will change".

(Jesus - The Gospel of John chapter 5).

This same Jesus is beside you right now.
The conversation begins when you're ready....

to really talk.

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