Sunday 12 May 2019

Troubling developments

A merchant, in whose hands are false balances... loves to oppress. Hosea 12:7.

One of the privileges I've enjoyed living where I do, at least for the better part of my life, has been the opportunity to express myself and speak about truth.

In my youth, this was often in the form of getting out in the streets to talk to people, pretty much every weekend, and in later years, this has become possible in respects to writing,  first in publishing a book, and over the past decade, by creating posts for this site, as well as teaching theology in my local church.

I've been monitoring the changes that have been taking place in respect to social media over the past eighteen months as new rules have appeared on the sites, and new laws have begun to be introduced through various bodies.

Whilst the 'voices' speaking out against the curtailing of free speech have been various and numerous, the intention to cull and corral what is allowed in many public forums continues, so unless there is a radical reversal of what is underway in the near future, it may prove increasingly difficult for people to speak out against some very troublesome trends currently growing in the world.

A recent article on the Christian Post site by Michael Brown sought to examine some of the ways that this trend has directly impacted upon Christian media over recent times.
Most of us currently use social media in a variety of ways, including to speak about our faith, so I'd encourage you to be aware of what's happening in this area, both in respects to the culture at large and in respect to Christian truth.

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