Saturday 3 August 2019


"A deep shade of blue, is always there".
Sun aint gonna shine anymore.

It's all about the mix, apparently.
That's what I concluded from a recent "Self-Care" breakdown.

First,  there's the physical - sleeping, eating, exercising, then there's the emotional - calm, collected, placid, followed by the social - respect, boldness, bonding and finally... the spiritual, which pretty much amounts to 'centering' in on yourself.
So, I just assemble all these bits together in their right amounts in the package known as me and, shazam!, life is good and I'm livin' the dream... right?

Every Spring, I get abruptly infused with the zest of what's happening not so much by nature generally waxing lyrical (bird song and bluebells), but by the poignant, intoxicating moment when the honeysuckle erupts into that agonizingly teasing scent tip-toeing in the air, making me stop in my tracks, heart racing, body purring,wanting to ascend and become enveloped in the moment.

Notice the difference?

We have countless 'good' advice guides about how to and what to and where to, but if we're honest, most of us know that it doesn't amount to much more than a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things (the daily drudge), because what we really long for is not the ho-hum of just ticking along, but the moments when life totally ravishes us, and we tingle with the possibility that there's more going on than just living on borrowed time until tragedy arrives.

That's why getting our kicks is so key to our free time. We know we were built for bigger things, even in respect to what's sensual, than donning our smiles whilst the 'shade of blue' shadows our souls.
People want to encounter what really jolts them - to be not just pleasantly but comprehensively surprised yet assured that life is about more than our self-care being nicely tucked-in.

Life in general is often so hard, and as we get older, we ask ourselves 'is that it, then?' more often, but it's easy to get philosophical with ourselves, when what's really needed is the budding of someone else's fragrant, astonishing story into our senses (heart, mind, and soul).

When Paul speaks of truth being something akin to a gorgeous fragrance that is diffused everywhere when the reality of the person and work of Jesus is conveyed, he's not trying to coach us with a few choice life pointers, or waxing lyrical philosophically and he's certainly not donning his 'time to to get religious' persona.
He's saying that the one who has come amongst us full of grace and truth wants us to encounter the full dimensions of that brilliance, that beauty, head on, just like honeysuckle in the spring, and it's going to bowl us over, confirming all our deepest suspicions that we really shouldn't just settle for a 'nice' personal care plan to spruce up our personal shade of blue.

Galaxies are exploding with billions of new stars, life is springing afresh all around us, beauty resonates at our deepest core, and it's all to whisper...

Come and see why such gifts are yours, and what they are really trying to tell you.

Behind it all is a history, a personality, that is simply staggering. He wants to let you truly discover why it really all is astonishing, and worthwhile.

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