Friday 4 September 2020

L i b e r a t i o n

"Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God"
Romans 8:21.

Several decades ago, I read F J Huegel's work The Cross of Christ - the Throne of God in which the author postulates that the wording of one of the Psalms (97?) was edited following the crucifixion of Jesus, because it originally had read "The Lord reigns from the tree". Whether that is the case or not, Pilate's placing of the placard above Jesus reading 'king of the Jews' certainly created consternation amongst those observing the moment, but according to Matthew, far more telling events were to follow - the coming of thick darkness, the tearing of the temple veil and the opening of the tombs of the dead, these returning to life (Matthew 27:45-52).

This is where we begin to see the true pivotal point of all history - the judgement of sin because of Christ becoming our substitute, the removal of access to the throne of God by the shedding of His blood and offering of His life and the total victory over death in His giving of Himself into death itself makes Jesus' cry something absolute - 'finished!'.

The ramifications are eternally vast in scale.
Paul's words in Romans on the impact of Christ's work tell us that nothing that has been made in creation is excluded from the atoning work of Jesus - even the unbelieving dead will be raised in new bodies on the final day because of what was done at the cross (John 5:19 onwards - think about that).

Christ is Lord of all not only because He made and holds all things Himself (Colossians 1:16), but also because by the 'blood of His cross', all things in heaven and earth are reconciled (1:20).

What we so readily see at present is the bondage, the futility of a world poisoned by sin and death, but in Christ we see that the purpose of God to have a world where these things are no more has come, and that is the prize that we need to continue to treasure in this 'brief' period of hardship and trouble.

Jesus Christ has made us to be those who will inherit something so much better than this present trial. He has given all to make this ours. Let us fix on that wonder in these hard days.

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