Thursday, 25 November 2021


"It's a day to give thanks - for what?

For the way wheat turns into biscuits, for the sound of a lawnmower three houses away, for the size and taste of grapes (the purple ones), for the lines of a woman's neck running up to her ear, for waves on the Oregon coast, for wood fire in late Autumn, for warm socks, for turkey and gravy and all the trimmings, for the way Intelligent Design runs through absolutely everything"....

Doug Wilson.

Happy holidays to our American Readers.

Father, unto thee we raise, this our sacrifice of praise!

1 comment:

David L. Hatton said...

Howard, I felt an anointing on composing and delivering my sermon the Sunday morning before our Thanksgiving Day celebration: "Eucharistic Kingdom Faith." This is the link, if you want to listen to it:

I only know how to preach in one way... very energetically. But that style takes a lot out of me. I have to sit down sometimes after the benediction. My prostate cancer is in 4th stage and my heart easily jumps into a faster sinus rhythm, breaking through my cardiac medication. So, I preached this message about suffering to myself as well as to our aged congregation (from early 70s to 100). Have a blessed Advent Season, brother!