Tuesday 6 December 2022


 "Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and the hallowing of the angelic, going on in detail about such 'spirituality', proud to be in such a frame of mind, but not actually holding fast to the source from whom the whole body of the faithful is nourished and knit together and through that union, grows through the life from God".

Colossians 2:18,19.

A video came up on my recommendation list this week entitled 'God is beginning to reveal things - a lot of us need to open our eyes to the truth'. 

The piece begins by saying that to be truly 'spiritual' believers, we need to see behind the material dimension of what we're encountering, and discern the spiritual reality of what's unfolding. That's fine, but I was already sensing that the very tone of this requirement was missing something in regards to what is actually happening around us in respect to the manner of struggle we currently face. It's easy to place the real problem 'over there', when it's actually far closer to home.

The latter half begins to offer up all manner of suggestions about how we become those with our spiritual sight operating, like distancing ourselves from certain people and taking what can only be defined as a more ascetic approach to life.

This is often the 'go to' definition for many Christian videos with respect to a 'wholesome' definition of godliness, thereby seeing this as the manner we remain 'undefiled' in the present (just take a look at one of the numerous believer videos on the subject of modesty).

With regards to the first part of this material, there's a key question that needs to be addressed, and yet is entirely avoided in the 'advice' presented - where is the battle right now? What is the nature of the conflict that we should be engaged in at this moment?

Christian writer and speaker Eric Metaxas appeared on an American broadcast a few days ago to speak about his new warning issued to the church in respect to this very matter, and it's clear that those who believe they are spiritually 'discerning' are entirely missing the vital nature of this.

The real trouble, however, is in respect to how these 'teachers' view the nature of living the Christian life - asceticism. Notice the passage I've referred to above from Paul. Notice the reputation the Pharisees attributed to Jesus (someone who loved socialising). Notice Paul's advice to the church that they should in no manner cut themselves off from the sexual immoral in society (1 Corinthians 5:9-13).

Christian pastor Francis Chan was shaken recently to discover the historical church's teaching on the Lord's Supper (the REAL presence of Christ in the bread and wine, as argued by Martin Luther). Imagine how shaken believers today are going to be when they comprehend the early church's naturalness towards the body in respect to issues of social nakedness (as I've covered here recently).

The DANGER here is that we're actually, according to Paul's words in Colossians, peddling a FALSE rendition of the faith, and that can prove DEADLY (See Galatians chapter 1).

The common pitfall of popular piety today is to see ourselves not as Paul defines us (Romans 7), but as more than capable of being 'sanctified' by what WE define and advance as proper - a pathway which perpetually embraces detachment from the real world (and pulling up the drawbridge), but effectual faith is about something VERY different - it comprehends that God is at work through bread, wine, water and the astonishing coming of God in the flesh (the total humanity of Jesus), because it also knows -

That there is only ONE continual medium where we meet and know God, and that is through the means of the "very good" realm of the material, made to furnish just that goal in the beginning, and redeemed by Christ's blood to fulfil that purpose throughout the ages we shall share with the Lamb and one another.

Christians MUST revel in Paul's teaching in Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians 15, gazed upon by John in Revelation 21 and 22 - that is the 'home' Jesus is now preparing for our resurrected living (John 14).

So, by all means speak of the 'powers' we are in conflict with, but truly SEE where these principalities seek to wield that authority amongst this present age (Psalm 2) and EQUIP the Saints to discern (wise up) on what that equates to in our everyday walk in this world, as anti-Christian ideals and goals pervade the general bent of what is at work around us, speaking against such by our lives and our holding out of the Word of Life - the death and resurrection of Jesus - as the ONE and ONLY hope.

If we do so, we shall truly being walking well before God and Men.

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