Wednesday 10 May 2023

B L I G H T ?

 "For He has not given us over to a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self control". 2 Timothy 1:7.

One of my favourite motion pictures of recent times is The Professor and The Madman. The story begins with a man, half insane, bent on killing another man. His murderous act leads to his incarceration, where it becomes clear that there are deeper demons in play to face to bring about a rescue of this very troubled soul. I won't spoil the story by saying more, but just to say that his miserable estate perfectly conveys the terrible condition of us all, and that underlines the vital need we all share for a perfect redemption outside of ourselves.

People often confuse Christianity as 'just another religion' because they view it as a collection of rules and requirements, with the onus very firmly being put upon us to do our best if we are to hopefully 'make it' in the eyes of God, but that's because they haven't read the words of Jesus to those in dire need or paid attention to the message of extreme good news conveyed by His first followers.

The question we have to ask ourselves bluntly once we have heard that message, to see if we have actually understood it is -

Is Jesus enough?

Is His Incarnation, Life, Crucifixion, Glorious Resurrection and sure return ALL we need to fully, truly save us, or are we looking for some other, extra virtue to finish the job for in ourselves?

If your answer is along the lines of the Apostle Paul, who wanted to boast and live in nothing else beyond the saving death and victory over the grave of Jesus Christ, then you can know the same manner of full deliverance that Jesus gave to such men.

If your answer is to look elsewhere - to say that isn't enough- we need to do something more, then you are religious in a really dreadful way, and such a way leads only to death in an eternal sense of 'lostness'.

That alone is why the Gospel matters. It is the only actual remedy, because it shows the rescue doesn't reside with us, but with God alone, who truly comes and saves us.

Plenty of dead ends out there that will tell you you're good enough.

Only one way that says the answer is beyond you, but it's freely yours if you'll take it.

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