Thursday, 2 November 2023

The Darkness of an eternal winter.

 Scripture speaks profoundly of the emptiness of the soul and the world without God, and we are about to experience that realm in a deluge of blackness spreading for our called 'leaders', as experienced this week in England -

So as we reach the end of some very candid exchanges in the Covid enquiry this week, what conclusions can we reach about where we are and where the new incoming bolicvies of the World Health Organisation and the UN are taking us next…

1. There is no recognition that the policies employed (especially the use of lockdowns and an experimental vaccine) were in any way incorrect, so they will be we employed again continually in the years ahead, and will be even more draconian than last time.
2. Those independent minded media groups and individual experts that sought to question these approaches - and were proved RIGHT by the findings to do so! - have been thoroughly criticised and marked as a trouble to be corrected/surpassed this week, so will clearly be even more 
3. The New On Line Safety Act is already being employed to curtail any opinions which are not mainstream. There is clearly going to be far more censorship on mainstream platforms in the months ahead, and with the WHO being given the authority to call for lockdowns anywhere they determine there to be a threat, never mind an actual problem, bringing with that severe restrictive methods upon anyone, the world is about to enter a new phase of authorities unseen in many places before.

2020 was the moment that the genuine freedoms of our country died, along with the established church giving way to total authorising, and we are about to begin to experience the full consequences of this on a massive level.

This is just the first real implementation, however - what is coming in the next 12-14 months as the full ramifications of A I implementation begin to bite into our society is going to be fare more horrendous as humanity becomes incarcerated by a new and far despotic manner of total submission to something without any sense of basic goodness than has been experienced in the moral social restraints of everyday life.

The days coming are going to be black.

In parts of the country already, growing numbers of people are already without the basic necessities of everyday life, and this is increasing each day.

Those who role us are involved in the most malevolent forms of evil when it comes to the genuine needs of the neighbours.
The Official cover reposonse has spread a blight of wickedness and evil amongst us, and that savage pall of savage darkness is about to become much, much thicker in all of our lives.

When these things unfold, dear Christian, look up, for your redemption is drawing near, not in the false hope of dispensationalism, but in His glorious coming to establish a new eternal creation as the Kingdom of Heaven renews creation into it's eternal state as the Home of Christ's reign forever.

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