Saturday 18 April 2020

C o n t a g i o n

Said you woke up this morning
Said you woke up under a curse 

I've heard the blues are bad but this is something worse

And the ambulance driver
Well he tips his hat and stares
And he asks you in a grave voice "Can I take you anywhere?"

Yeah, it's the thing we cannot speak of
Too painful to behold

Oh this blister soul

Vigilantes of Love - Blister Soul.

Its a sure-fire killer, and it's everywhere.
In our blood, in our homes, in the very air we breathe.
There's no escape.

From when you wake up, you know its poison inside,
because it's there in everything you say and do.
You'd like to ignore it, for it to go away,
but when you're ruthlessly honest with yourself,
you know it's hurting your being with others,
and it's killing you inside.

It isn't a misery you can really solve with a pill or a drink,
though you may often try.
It isn't a pain that can be eased by having piles of cash, or by jumping from one moment of pleasure to another,
though you may fool yourself into thinking that's enough.
It isn't an illusion you can mask by adopting some nice belief to make you feel good about yourself.

It's a sure-fire killer, that burns in our veins, and takes us all to the grave.

The bible calls it sin - the wickedness we do against everyone and everything, born out of our broken relationship with God. It even causes us to be cruel to ourselves.

A virus needs a remedy - an antidote that is going to make us whole and well, but this malady is beyond our means to ease or cure - God alone can heal us, and easter shows us how that was done. Jesus took our sin upon Himself that we can be healed and set free.

The present circumstances have shown us just how deadly a virus is, and how radically it can change everything.

How will you choose to deal with the contagion that we all carry?
There is a remedy.

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