Saturday, 10 July 2021


 "They wore breastplates the colour of fire and sapphire, like sulphur, and the heads of their beasts were like lions - fire, smoke and sulphur expelled from their mouths".

Revelation 9:17.

The movie Thirteen Days is a favourite of mine. It tells the story of the Cuba Missile Crisis, when the United States found itself facing a possible nuclear strike - literally within a matter of  days.

Most of the present generation do not recall the genuine fear that was generated in the Cold War era, generated by the horrors which had been evidenced in the concluding days of the second world war (the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the 'liberation' of the German concentration camps).  As Dr David Berlinski notes in his recent book on Human Nature, such evil was made possible in the prior decades by humanity's mechanisation of war, which allowed the carnage to become so much more total (encompassing civilian populations as well as the militia), and bringing about the nightmare of 'modern' annihilation.

The 1930s laid the key discoveries for nuclear weaponry. The early 1900s had seen the same deployment of science to create the likes of mustard gas to be employed to bring tortuous death. These indeed, as John notes, were clearly the 'deadly smoke released from the bottomless pit of the great furnace' which releases all manner of evils upon the world.

Which brings us to this present moment - a day when the 'civilised' world (the UK, America) is seeking to introduce (or has passed) laws that will allow the termination of a child in the womb up to the very moment of birth.

The Apostle notes in Revelation 19 how mankind which has not been 'killed by plagues' and is not 'sealed' (as God's own) will give itself over to "worshipping  demons" found amidst the idols of "silver and gold" (wealth) and "stone" (construction - industrious expansion of business) and "wood" (pragmatism) which are entirely 'blind' when it comes to the actual objectives intended for life and human culture (19:20). These are a generation of souls who 'do not repent of their murders or their "sorceries" (Pharmakia - use of drugs) or their sexual immorality or their thefts" (vs 21).

Let me be clear here - scripture does not teach that medicine in itself is evil. There are plenty of incidents in scripture where medicinal solutions are recommended and clearly used to remedy bodily troubles (see Job 2:7,8, Jeremiah 8:22, 2 Kings 20:7, Proverbs 17:22, Luke 10:34, 1 Timothy 5:23 as examples) - indeed, it's clear that such aids and wisdom are provided by God for our healing (Luke 5:31), but what the modern world so clearly shows is just how easily and readily the perverse and corrupt nature of men can turn what is meant to be for our good (Physics, Chemistry, etc) to devices for abominable evil.

John informs us that this will most certainly be the case when, in the latter days, men will respond to the evil rising from the pit by engaging in 'sorceries' (use of drugs) to 'worship' the demonic via their vain and empty ideologies which are manifest in their supposed pragmatism and wealth, but in truth are entirely wicked.

Which brings us to our present situation.

In 2020 we witnessed the deployment of a particular global 'solution' to a virus - an MRNA vaccine that was entirely new and revolutionary in the manner in which it would remedy the problem. Urgency to deal with the threat allowed this to then become deployed whilst by-passing many of the standard requirements for such a medication, and it wasn't long before this began to raise questions and then concerns amongst those who work at some of the highest levels in their scientific fields.

The situation, in medical terms, has not changed since the data collated from the early outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship back in March last year - those who are vulnerable to death from the virus are, generally, over 70 years of age and commonly suffering from other ailments which marry to the infection and bring death. People under that age who are generally fit and in good health may suffer a weak or severe infection, somewhat akin to flu, but in most cases, this will not kill them, and will bring immunity to further outbreaks. The variations we have seen may be more adept at spreading themselves, but they are presently bringing essentially the same results.

The response from Governments has been to deploy vaccination, not only to the most at risk sections of the population, but to ALL adults (and, it would appear, on to children as well). This is in spite of the fact that there are clearly large swathes of people who have already been infected and survived, and that there is also a number who already have natural immunity, so why take this route?

The funnelling of everybody into a single track through fear and manipulation has been telling  -this approach is not accidental. Media has been quick to shut down any and all dissenting voices, however clear and informed they may have been, to allow only one appropriate response - one option of treatment and cure - to be allowed amongst us. This, clearly, is to facilitate big business and stimulate huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. It all comes at the expense of personal freedom.

These last few months have brought evidence of blood clotting, heart inflammation, possible fertility troubles and deaths in respect to our new vaccines in small numbers of cases (not to mention a 40% drop in efficacy noted in Israel this past week), and that is just in the short-term. What will the long-term consequences of having vast parts of the world receiving such a measure be? It is currently impossible to say as no research exists to support any claims, but judging by the growing issues already evidenced, there are clearly going to be concerns at the very least, especially as this 'new' method is employed in other ways (such as flu vaccinations).

In his book That Hideous Strength, Melvin Tinker writes to inform the church that the 'barbarians' (those who are seeking to actively promote and employ an anti-christian approach to the panacea of life) are not only at the gates - they are 'inside the city' and have pillaged and raped our culture of its Christian presuppositions.

What should trouble us most about the present crisis is not only the global employment of an inadequately tested vaccine, but the beliefs, intentions and ambitions which have fuelled and allowed such a response to become mainstream. The Church especially should be seeking here to 'prove all things, and to hold fast to that which is good' (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

The Lord alone is our help, our health and our salvation (Psalm 27:1) - he grants us what is necessary to live well and with purpose, employing His gifts rightly. That is the manner of wisdom we require right now - see the dangers, and walk closely with God.

Let us desire, seek and pursue to be such a people.

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