Tuesday, 27 July 2021


 "Without a vision, the people perish" - Proverbs 29:18.

"Man does not look into the face of the Gorgon and live!" Morpheus - Forbidden Planet.


What happens to those who obtain exactly what they think will 'make' them? When you have gained 'the whole world', so to speak, and there would appear to be no one or no force to block you from indulging your desires and imposing your will, regardless of cost. What next?

Perhaps we could once imagine that such would only need to trouble us in respects to realms such as fiction or history - a distraction for a good novel or a boisterous examination of the past, but such contrivances belie an ignorance of the times.

Ours has been an age of despotism and consequential misery. We have merely lived in a "pause" in that litany of fire, thinking ourselves to be perfectly justified to pursue care-free, self-determined goals, not ever pausing to reflect on the events that lead to our belief that life was plentiful and easy.

We determined to do what pleases us, never evaluating the real cost of what places us here, or what such 'liberty' would require later.

The fundamental splitting of the world, between those with power and those who have none, is now upon us. The 'good' days of what was viewed by many of us as 'common' culture are rapidly fading behind the closing curtain that heralds the emerging age of strict control.

If we consider the loss of so much (health, education, prospects, opportunity, genuine well--being) that has unfolded and is being imposed upon us, then we begin to comprehend the depths of our folly.

The institutions established for the flourishing of society have become prostituted to the twin evils of personal greed and gain. The realms of finance and the departments established to regulate such became dens of usury and avarice decades ago, allowing those presiding to protect themselves from the recrimination due and promote their insatiable empires at will whilst the lives of millions have become devastated.

All of this was so prior to the 'plagued' recent days, but now, the wake of this carnage has become amplified into the realms of civil rights and social control in a fashion not seen in Europe for nearly a century.

The consensus has always sought to focus our attention on the necessity of 'protect and survive' policy in respect to threats deemed 'manageable' by their program if we all played our part - did our 'bit' by giving up more and more for longer and longer. This has merely allowed the oligarchs to triple their wealth and keep the few voices of concern 'fact-checked' off the mainstream.

The last days of Rome faced similar social and economic strains, but closer to home, the downfall of the West in the Wall Street crash, the years of depression, miserable for all but those rich enough not to worry, also bears upon this moment. As with then, these days may 'roar' with the noise of rising apocryphal tyranny.

What should trouble us most is if the 'reset' becomes all, who is there to rescue us from such global ravages? If, as appears likely, the entire world subjects itself to the ascendancy of such powers as those demanding a total control, where can we access levers to re-gain freedom?


" I am the Lord that heals you". Exodus 15:26.

"Why, in the face of entropy, in a universe in which ultimate degradation of matter and energy leads to a state of inert uniformity... why in the face of that is the story of the world always more differentiation, greater hierarchies, exquisite patterns and gorgeous forms? God has built into everything He has made a yen to make an offering of itself - an insane craving to make things more complicated just for the sheer pleasure of doing so". Robert Farrar Capon - Priesthood.

When life becomes about oblation - giving ourselves to the genuine joy of another - then we draw the venom of the lie of self-deification.

The longing within for genuine significance may be stifled or left unfulfilled in many today, but it remains none the less. What is required is a means whereby this becomes deemed imperative to us all again.

Perhaps the spread of a common austerity will prove to be the very framework whereby we begin afresh to hunger and thirst for righteousness beyond ourselves.


"To the pure, all things are pure". Titus 1:15.

The prize is indeed to aim beyond ourselves (our selfish conceits) by catching sight of the one who is the 'image of the invisible God' (Colossians 1:15). What is eternally transcendent is made evident amongst us in the humanity of Christ, who oblates Himself, 'full of grace and truth' (John 1:14 - hence John beginning the story at Jesus's baptism with the testimony of another).

The view of the Apostle in Romans 14 (verses 13-18) presents a liberty where all is 'clean' because all, creationally, is the Lord's - and we have been called to participate in such a high vocation via our priesthood.


"You desire truth in the innermost being". Psalm 51:6.

One of the most painful afflictions of the recent days has been seeing so many choose to evade or dismiss the unfolding situation in respect to what has been implimented and required as either 'miss-read' or inconsequential, preferring to accept the official narrative whilst those urging a heeding of actual truth have been marginalised and often cast aside as irrational.

The first casualty in such terrible moments is always the uncomfortable truths of the hour, but this must be the first treasure recovered if we are to see health again.

The full truth about the various torturous errors and intentional decisions implemented by those in power are now beginning to become evident, and it is vital that these are told and understood widely. We do neither ourselves or others no favours by burying such materials away from general examination - such actions are contrary to what is vital for being part of each other.

From the moment Christ came into conflict with the authorities of His day, He spoke clearly to His disciples of where this would lead. They could not comprehend what He said, but it was what unfolded.

This past few weeks has seen a growing political justification for the manner of authoritarian control that the implementations of the last sixteen months allow, and the voices which warned of this are becoming increasingly vindicated.

So, let me conclude with a brief overview of the various intrusions into social welfare - their general effectiveness and their consequences upon us.

1.PCR / Track and Trace.

All that now needs to be said about the latter of these is review the impact of the last few weeks. All that needs to be said about the former is that the inventor himself stated that the test simply wasn't designed to be used in the fashion it is currently being employed, as the results will often be faulty. Think about how much disruption has and is being caused by the absolutist implementation of just these two devices.

2. Masks.

The debate, if there ever was one, is over. Over 30 independent studies now show that the preventative results produced by such a practice are without medical significance, and around another 14 have shown such masking may increase infection levels.

3. Lockdowns

Whilst the argument continues on whether they should have been used, there is no question in respect to the breach of people's basic rights, or concerning the extensive collateral damage in large sections of society and civil structure. The price may indeed have been far too high.

4. Vaccinations/Passports

These are the two realms, long term, where we may see the greatest damage of all, both within the individual (due to the nature of the medication) and in a forced apartheid in society as a whole.

5. Political autocracy.

A state of emergency allows a small group of people to determine the ongoing situation for the majority. Whilst these powers appear to have been reduced at present, three government acts currently making their way into legislation will make the pandemic authorties claimed by cabinet in 2020 permanent.

These are:

The Police, Criminal, Evidence and Courts act, which will effectively end open free speech (public protest, speaking and demonstrating).

The Online Safety Act, which would empower the government to require the major social media companies to monitor and vet your internet activity, and

The Press Reform Act, which would make news items derived from "ethically questionable" sources open to Government prosecution.

When combined, these new powers could be used to effectively silence or prevent free speech entirely.

When such powers are married to the widespread use of covid papers, new social credit apps (with health reward schemes) and virtual currency, we will have taken all the key steps towards the manner of social regulation employed in the socialist regime evidenced in China.

As theologian Peter Leihert stated in a recent evaluation of our present situation, "Vaccination is now a sacrament, a baptismal purification in our society - a eucharistic emblem of 'belonging' - the righteous are justified by jab".


From the moment churches commenced closing their doors back in March 2020, I made it clear that what we were dealing with here was not a moderate response to a virus, but a Gospel issue of the manner dealt with by the Apostle Paul in Galatia. The events of the last few months, as certain 'requirements' have only worked further into Christian life and activity, have only underlined that conviction.

We need to end our bondage to such "laws" and re-affirm our freedom in the eternal life from above.

The mystery of the Word made flesh is our touchstone, our bedrock, and only this can feed and water us through this wilderness.

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