"That's exactly how complicit the Western Intellectuals were in facilitating the horrors of the twentieth century, and we haven't learnt anything since then - quite the opposite". Jordan Peterson on the 'problem' of Post-modernism.
"Every day I got up and asked 'what must I do to protect life?' - we've got to tell people that they cannot do anything unless it is explicitly allowed or required by the law. We have to be Napoleonic in our application of the rules". Matt Hancock.
"There are a dozen views on everything until you know the answer. Then there is only one". C S Lewis - That Hideous Strength.
Evil is big on lies.
When the 'relocated' arrived at Auschwitz or Treblinka, they were informed that they were on their way to accommodation and work, via a visit to a 'disinfection' facility for a 'routine' hygienic procedure.
The mainline church has informed us that accepting the "Napoleonic" requirements of the state has been the correct approach for Christians to follow in these past 16 months, allowing key moral, spiritual and medical concerns to be sidelined in the process.
My words here will no doubt appear somewhat harsh, if not entirely unacceptable, to some, but let me marry them to some very troubling thoughts...
How can we accept a vaccine as 'good' medicine when we consider the following:
"How do we respond to the processes that lead to their (vaccines) production - that is, the harvesting of organs from foetal children? Organ harvesting is not a thing of the past - it is very much a present evil, aborted children having their organs continually harvested for medical 'advance'" David Brennan - Brephos.
How can it be possible, on the basis of this observation alone, that Christians should be praying in their churches (as I have witnessed with my own ears) that we be encouraged to find 'security only in being double jabbed' (!). How is it possible, that Christian ministry groups should be excluding those that find such ethical concerns morally abhorrent, or that churches are actually being used as vaccination centres?
There is nothing good here, and to open the doors of the church so widely to such a poisonous and pernicious approach to the life of the unborn entirely blinds us to the evil of the times. How can we expect the faith to continue, let alone to thrive, on such a heinous premise?
The aborted child whose cell line was used either directly within or in the forming of the MRNA vaccines would have been a grown woman by now, possibly raising her own children, so NO, evil does NOT diminish over time - the sins we commit have very real and profound consequences upon others. Forgiveness becomes an empty set if there is no true repentance prior to its liberating reception (Psalm 51).
Currently in the UK, a facility exists in Cardiff that is collecting tissue in the very same manner as that employed via abortions some forty plus years ago. No doubt this 'line' of work will lead to other forms of medication in the future - are we to be just as accepting of that, and if so, why?
What amplifies the tragedy is that it would have been perfectly possible to manufacture MRNA vaccines without the use of any cell line material from this source - some are actually in the pre-production stage in various countries right now! - but the Pharmaceutical companies chose to manufacture them in this fashion.
Why hasn't the church employed wisdom here and insisted that the employment of such vaccination materials only be acceptable on the basis of best practice, not readily encouraging the use of such morally culpable 'medicine'?
Acting ethically and lawfully (in respect to what we wear, eat, and paying our dues) is vital to being faithful in this life, but 'obedience' to authorities does not extend to openly practicing something that God hates, and the murder of innocents clearly belongs in that category (Proverbs 6:16-19, Psalm 106:38).
The most troubling thing in all of this is that only now are some Christian leaders here waking up to the iniquity of what is occurring because of the possible (forthcoming) imposition of vaccine passports, but many of them entirely missed the issue when it came to the vaccines themselves at the start of the year, and this has lead to a dreadful state of most believers having participated in this evil.
The state's justification for all of its initiatives during this crisis is that 'doing' particular things (you know the list) is beneficial for all, and therefore, maximises the realm of security and safety, but as we have moved along that line, we have found the holes in such reasoning continue to expand to the point where essentially all of these requirements rightly deserve to be questioned and challenged, especially as the data grows that their implementation from the start has been faulty at best, and, in many cases, may have actually caused more death and suffering than they relieved.
The Christian makes a false assumption that such policies are merely established for society's good when we see this manner of governance. History tells a very different story, and scripture itself affirms the value of the lessons we should learn in such events.
The Old Testament record highlights that there were very few good Kings in the promised land - never mind beyond its borders, and even the very best were at times prone to heed their own ambitions or passions once they had power rather than lean upon the wisdom and value of what the Lord had bestowed upon them.
The vital requirement of the day is for God's people to acknowledge their sins, to seek the Lord together in repentance, and to not be content with anything less than a thorough reformation of faith and life.
The world will continue to abandon what is good at every turn, and especially where profit and power appear to be the rewards - the Lord will deal with that - but He requires far more of us.
Will we do what is needful, or will we squander His patient waiting (Revelation 3:20)?
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