Sunday, 22 August 2021

The 'Order' of lawlessness

 "First, the man of lawlessness is revealed - the son of perdition". 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

"Clark would not bother to interfere with Armageddon unless there was ten percent in it for him". Robert Heinlein - Podkayne of Mars.

The Apostle Paul is very clear as to the nature and identity of the 'man of sin' who sets himself up in the 'seat' of authority in the world that will emerge once the imperial power of his day has been fragmented. As with 'emperors' or 'presidents', this position will be one which presides over a new power structure which will marry the opulence of the previous pagan empire with an even more insidious commerce amidst those who will submit to its commands, including the likes of rulers and entire nations.

There is little doubt as to which "dominion" filled these shoes.

From around the end of the fourth century until the middle of the 1500s, the office of the Bishop of Rome ascended to a point of unquestionable dicta in matters both temporal and spiritual, fulfilling the 'central office' (the seat of authority) of Paul's astute prediction. What shocks to the core is when we realise that it was amidst Christianity that this power was incubated, encouraged and brought to its full expression as a faculty of immeasurable malevolence, trading so cruelly in the decimation of the souls of men.

Luther's exposure of the canker at the core of this domain severely wounded it's grip, but it did not slay this leviathan, and amidst the monstrous evils of the times following The Reformation, the poison of Rome, as the Apostle John shows in his visions, has worked, covertly and overtly, to perpetuate evil. The Inquisition alone grants a vision of savagery chosen later as a model by the framers of National Socialism in Germany, who themselves were aided and supported by Romanism both during the war and in their escapes at its end. The recent findings in Canada of mass graves of indigenous children from the period when this religion provided "education" shows the same 'values' as those expressed in the Eastern European killing fields, or the massacres of Christian minorities such as the Waldensians.

The modern expressions of this abomination have become much more secular. The intention, John's images reveal, was to wield power over all men, and different means are employed to do this (hence, his visions of the 'sea' (Imperial Rome) and 'land' (Ecclesiastical Rome) beasts - Revelation 13), but at the heart of it all is the harlot (false church), riding the dragon, intoxicated on the blood of the saints (Revelation 17). Her 'fornications' with the 'merchants' of the earth becomes the means of shared wealth for those who congress with her.

From the days when the "Sons of God" first intermarried with the "Daughters of Adam" (Genesis 6) to bring giants (tyrants), the kingdom of darkness has sought to work amongst humanity by means of establishing realms of power and authority that are at odds with the rule of the majesty of the most high (Genesis 11), and the method they commonly employ to manifest this amongst us are realms of governance which are bent by policy and action to eviscerate the image of God amongst us and to enslave us to goals which are destitute of any value beyond immediate gratification or merely survival. Religion itself becomes method of marking humanity with the stain of a 'god' who merely facilitates all that is gross and deformed within us, discarding any notion of truth or beauty.

God does not leave us ignorant of all of these facts, and assures that in spite of such strident assertions, these powers will fall (Revelation 18 & 19), and that all will indeed stand before Him and His Son, either in faith or in judgement (Psalm 2).

The convulsions of our day remind us that this conflict is very much part of what is presently unfolding, but that we should not be shaken by such troubles, but should hold fast to the truth. The 'power' made evident in the 'seat' (office) of the 'mystery of iniquity' will finally be dissolved, notes Paul by 'the breath' of Christ's mouth' at 'the brightness of His coming' (2 Thessalonians 2:8), so until then, the 'woman' the Lord has clothed with true authority (Revelation 12:1) - the true church - must continue to be those who are faithful amidst 'great tribulation' (7:14).

This reality must be brought to bear in what is currently unfolding amongst those who profess to have faith in the Gospel. Are we a people who will pass through the present trials and pressures to conform to a 'form' of godliness (the governance of powers which require us to simply conform to all that is imposed and required as 'correct') or will we in fact pierce the facade of 'moralism' in this program and face the reality of what is being done - conforming society to a manner of rigorous controls that bleed away both personal responsibility and conscience?

This cannot be allowed to continue to be the 'voice' of the age.

Either the church stands up and rejects such blatant impoverishment of identity, or it will entirely sink into the mire of modernal inhumanity.

The 'seeds' of such a death - in the willing acceptance by so many of cell-line based vaccines - has already been sown, and the canker cannot be stemmed without clear and radical rejection of what this incursion involves - medicine derived from the extinction of the unborn.

We must indeed choose this day whom we will serve!

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