Sunday, 12 December 2021

D e c e p t i o n

"(Their) hands are defiled by blood - fingers dipped in iniquity with lips filled with lies, continually uttering wickedness. None of them enters just pleas or goes before the law honestly - they rely on empty appeals, filled with lies, uttering wickedness".

Isaiah 59: 3 & 4.

"If you won't go there - if you won't face the darkness and the pain, if you play games with evil and call it anything but evil, you will never experience the sufficiency of Christ". Steve Brown - The pain we avoid.

Amidst all the furore of the last few days, I finally came across a commentary last night that really commenced to get to the heart of matter of what our Government's behaviour really means in the present circumstances.

Once again, Neil Oliver pressed to the heart of the issue when he stated that the true evil being worked against us at present is that the deeds of those involved in normal behaviour last Christmas (celebrating the season together at work in Government buildings) states emphatically that they were not afraid of the nature of the virus, not only prior to any official medical remedy being made widely available, but whilst the rest of us were being told that we needed to be very afraid, and act accordingly.

Sadly, as we've learned from other incidents and enquiries this year, this wasn't, by any means, the only example of those in authority behaving this way towards those expecting what was reasonable and, more importantly, truthful in their guidance.

We know, from the example of other regions of the world, that these measures were commonly unnecessary, and had little or no effect upon the spread of the virus. We know, from the clear examples of what happened in various provinces in India, in Mexico City and Japan, that Ivermectin has provided a very effective and readily available solution to outbreaks, bringing clear and quite remarkable resolve to these, but the West still refuses to even allow such data to be raised. We know that, in spite of all the misery and horror inflicted in these past two years, our leaders continue to seek to rule and control by means which were rejected for such a situation as this for decades before they were imposed upon us.

We have been victims of an unnecessary horror, and it must end.

The poison of such deceit, notes Isaiah, is fatal (59:5). The deeds and fruits of such violence have been made clear, for there can be no justice in this course. We will continue to grope, blindly in the dark, until integrity, clothed by God steps forward to execute what is due comes to us, causing the 'coastlands to offer their due payment' in respect to righteousness (59:18).

It is indeed time for such a reckoning, for only in this manner of intervention, can genuine justice and peace flow amongst us.

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