Sunday, 19 December 2021


"Many encompass and surround me, their mouths wide to devour, like ravening beasts - my strength is gone, and I am poured out, as I lay in the dust of death".

Psalm 22:13 &14.

There is a policy of decimation at work amongst us, and its methods are as follows - (we are not ignorant of our enemy's devices):

1. Induction.

If we want what is 'good' and 'safe' for the whole, then we must, of necessity, submit to what is defined by authority as "necessary" for this to be so. This process allows a very particular mindset to seep into the norms of everyday life by a process of introducing 'methods' deemed essential for the 'safety' of all. These are then continually re-imposed over time as a necessity to underpin the 'health' of all, substituting what had been for what now must be accepted as proper.

C S Lewis, in his masterful tale, That Hideous Strength, shows how this occurs in a college town, through a Government 'scientific' department imposing just such measures upon the place, and then bringing in the necessary 'strong arm' manpower to insure they are carried through. Lewis clearly understood that this narrative was an insight into what was fast approaching in our own society.

2. Abolition.

Once the pattern in the first stage of the process has been firmly established and accepted, the second stage is to entirely subvert and discredit what had been viewed as 'good' previously. The fulcrum of this process will be a shibboleth established by the authorities that cannot be questioned or challenged, which defines the insoluble power of this oversight.

The object of marvel will be underpinned by an entire ideology that  "correctly" defines what is to be acceptable and what is to be marked and reported as heresy.

Means of resistance will be removed, those marked as erroneous will be muted, and an intentional "undercurrent" will be encouraged to deter and alienate such dissenters from the mainstream, leading to their gradual ostracism, exile, and demise.

3. Conformity.

The "pressure cooker" process of the first two methods are perpetuated until a 'critical mass' is achieved amongst the majority (70-80%) of the population, who entirely conform to the new regime. Once 'hearts and minds' are so manipulated, there can be no discerning questioning of the aims and objectives of the policy (the presumption is accepted that all is for the good). It is at this point that the very 'points of reference' that once referred to very different values come to be re-defined as only speaking of what is deemed right by the new order.

4. Assimilation.

The will of the state becomes all. Individual or collective toil against this will be excised, and the belief will be held that only this single agency can bring genuine security and value.

This is the inversion currently taking hold upon the world.

We are so often ruined by what lies within our natural desires - for "peace and long life", no matter what the cost, but sometimes, the price for this is too high, and, in truth, secures no such ends.

In the face of such schemes, we must clothe one another in the armour of light, and call for an aid beyond ourselves.

Evil employs such methods because they are so effective in the natural - they pander to the longings we carry for self-deification - but the "foolishness" of God is to take what is deemed the weak and foolish things and bless these with the strength that brings light from darkness.

Christmas allows us to view the most explicit expression of this wonder. As those gathered again around the naked child, we are seeing the majesty of the ages, garbed in frail flesh, bringing a victory that no power can prevent, and there is our confidence, our comfort in this most dark hour.

The company of evil are howling and baying, believing they have the day, but there, just beyond their gaze, is a greatness that has already won the fight, and He will soon appear again.

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