"How can someone enter a strong man's domain and plunder the goods there unless he first constrains the usurper - then he can take what is desired". Matthew 12:29.
Tom Cruise got very mixed reviews for his portrayal of the popular character, Jack Reacher, but there's one characteristic I really enjoy about his two films in this role - the way he is always one step ahead.
This is used to particular good effect in the opening of the second movie, which 'jumps' into the very middle of a series of events. It looks as though he's slipped up - staying too long at a location after some uncalled-for incident, and as a result, he is about to become a victim himself of some exploitative injustice... but then, the phone rings. In a couple of moments, the tables are turned, and the hand-cuffed Reacher informs his antagonist that life is about to take a very sudden and total change, and it's already too late to change that.
Victory is snatched from the presumed face of total defeat.
That's part of the reason I'm a follower of Jesus.
Satan thought he could run Jesus out of town by pushing Him all the way to the cross - all the way to the reviling, savage rejection of the crowd and the cruelty of the Roman death squad.
The devil couldn't see past his own miss-placed arrogance - totally ignoring who it was he was actually dealing with.
Then came the empty tomb.
The world has never been the same since.
The last few years have been vile, primarily due to the manner in which a small group of elites have oppressed pretty much everyone else 'for their own good', but whilst some are still seeking to continue that policy (just look at China), the cracks have now appeared, and there is a clear push against this nonsense.
Like the Disciples before leaders or princes or kings, it's time to say NO - to reject 'the narrative' of fear, because it has been proved wrong, and entirely no good.
Christians need to truly re-gain their voice, stand-up and be counted.
The times, they are a changing!
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