Saturday, 10 June 2023

Stepping Out

 "What if I knew I couldn't loose this time".

Cages - We The Kingdom.

"Now, when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your head, because your redemption is drawing close".  Jesus - Luke 21:28.

It's been a brutal week.

There's been the news that A I is rushing forward at what appears to be increasing speed, and the cultural ramifications of where this may go are chilling to say the least (take a look here at one possible track that may arise soon).

Then the middle of the week brought the news via the Wall Street Journal that the Instagram network has been furnishing one of the biggest pedophile networks in the world, almost certainly behind the trafficking of thousands of children.

This was followed by the news that The World Health Organisation is about to establish a monitoring system via iPhone technology devised by the EU during the pandemic which will allow them to restrict global movement of anyone who is not sufficiently vaccinated accoutring to their records with the failed mRNA materials employed during the Covid outbreak. Just how pernicious this program is can be appreciated when we unpack the latest scientific data on the development of the man-made virus itself, as shown here.

So, with all this in mind, look afresh at Jesus' words to His disciples in respect to the days which were about to open up in front of them. They were about to face an empire that would hate them for their testimony to what happened but Jesus tells them the solution is to look beyond all of that - to be truly in tune to what happens, and what really counts, asking for the strength to walk through it all, because He has promised to be with them.

This world is going to stand before the King, and what makes us ready for that moment is what has already been done by the King, so look above the waves - see the grace that pours down upon us because of the Cross and the empty tomb.

We're never ready for what life breaks upon us - whatever the challenge may be. Some days we just collapse under the weight of it, but the GOOD NEWS is, You're on your way home! Underneath all these troubles, there are everlasting arms, and they will carry you to that place where war will end and troubles will be purified into precious treasures.

The answer to right now isn't panic or over confidence in what we can achieve - it's to look into the amazing provision of Jesus - that's what will keep us going, even when we fail. His all sufficient work at Calvary is what will hold us in our troubled times today and in our final breath - it will take us home.

Beyond our woes, or worries, there is a well that never runs dry, and table always provisioned with over abundant goodness.

The future is set, and it's entirely defined for us by an unfathomable Lord of mercy.

So, let the world froth with all its folly.

Jesus is on the throne of grace, and He will bring us to the splendour of His reign.

You are not up to the challenge - none of us actually are.

The one who was is YOUR SAVIOUR!

He is on the throne, and HE RIGHNS - FOREVER MORE!

That is the true source of our peace and our joy.

Jesus is Lord.

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