Saturday, 24 June 2023

The Missing Piece

 "They dress the wounds of the people in a fashion that states that the wounds are not truly serious. They bring no peace"  Jeremiah 6"14.

So, yesterday, I watched a fascinating and deeply troubling speech given by Robert Kennedy on the modern history of American foreign policy and the impact this has had upon the modern world. It's striking for a number of key reasons, but it spoke again to the trouble we all so clearly face at the core of all our current woes - what happens when we seek to apply the wrong solution to a problem and what follows as a result.

Back in 2020 here in the UK, when we faced a new trouble in the form of a pandemic, the UK government chose not to look to God for aid, but to place it's confidence in the recommendations of what was defined as science, which was to be implimented and rolled out to every person in the country by the means of the state 'church' - the National Health Service. Government mandates made it essential that everyone comply with the new requirements, from not going anywhere (except for essentials), to wearing masks to taking numerous injections of the materials that were supposed to protect or cure you from the virus.

This is always how religion seeks to resolve a human crisis - follow the rules, do what you're told, and you will be defined as 'good' by those around you. It doesn't solve any of the inherent problems - it doesn't take them away - it just makes everyone the 'property' of a particular system, and from then on, they continue to conform to whatever nonsense is given for them to follow.

Jesus spoke of such evil as leaving us as people without anyone who truly cared for us - as those bereft of true and lasting hope. The only true remedy is when truth comes in such a fashion that it truly makes us free to comprehend the truth about ourselves and our world, so we can see the lies for exactly what they are.

The religion of the day is 'sciencism' - not empirical, valid science, but the hocus pocus that the likes of Neil Ferguson and co can manufacture out of thin air that then becomes the basis for the actions of an entire company of people. This is no different to the travelling snake oil salesman that tells you he has a remedy to cure your ills, when all he's interested in is fleecing you!

Jesus faces the charlatans of His day and says away with them - don't listen to their lies. There is only one truth and that will truly make you free.

The same is true in this hour as our world enters a despicable day of darkness - do not believe the lies, but rejoice in the truth, for the day is fast approaching when that truth alone will endure forever!

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