Monday 2 January 2023

A Terrible Truth

 "And this is the awful thing about the coming of soft totalitarianism: it seduces those, even Christians, who have forsaken the capacity to love with endurance. They think they follow Jesus, but they merely admire a version of Him. We think we'll be different until the crunch comes, but if we accept the pervasive lie of our therapeutic culture (personal happiness is the greatest good) then we will, in effect, sign up at the very first application of pressure (from outside of the church)". Rod Dreher - Live Not by Lies.

Take a look at this very informative clip. You'll notice a particular name is provided by Dr Jay Battacharya in respect to who was responsible for de-coupling the reasonable approach to pandemic response in favour of the panic/project fear mentality that we adopted in 2020.

As I noted several moths ago, Christian journalist Megan Basham made a thorough investigation into the role Francis Collins played in 'educating' Christian leaders and churches into how they should respond to the pandemic, validating all the supposed 'necessary measures' and defining any teacher or church which questioned such as those called 'bad and ugly' in respect to the faith. This latest addition shows that he also played a key role in dismissing the numerous experts in their essential fields in respect to blocking their voice at essential moments during the crisis.

What is so disturbing here is that what unfolded was directly against the best medical, scientific and theological information that we have. It has created a world in which many hundreds of thousands have suffered needlessly and nothing productive has been achieved as a result of such wilful negligence of the known facts and proved methods of research and evidence based response.

This cannot be allowed to happen again.

Science and the Church must learn deeply if we are to do well in future.

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