Sunday 1 January 2023

Baring the Bones

"I am truth". Jesus.

 It never ceases.

A century on, in regions of Belgium and France, special teams of men are still deployed to detect and dispose of dangerous ordinance that has emerged from beneath the earth that still causes death and harm over one hundred years after it was employed from those dismal trenches.

The heinous cost of the Great War continues today, because the very ideology that brought about the misery of the world not only generated such a nightmare, but continues to perpetuate its fury in the goals and methods of implementing these in 2023.

What should be understood today is that the evil wrought amongst us in these last few years is merely an intensification of the very same malignancy that was unleashed in the cries of 'liberty, equality, fraternity' roared in the streets of France in the 1780's or pursued by the Bolsheviks in the early 20th century - it all derives from the same common ambition to destroy order and implement social slavery.

Back in the early 1990's, Richard Milton wrote an insightful work on the failure of Darwinism - a failure as comprehensive as the other two 'great ideas' of the age (Marxism and Freudianism). The horrible error of today is we are told that these vile systems are necessary for a healthy future, when they merely invade and terrorise the soul.

Christianity is vital for the future if this nightmare is to be countered. In prior days, communities understood that purpose and meaning was sourced uniquely from the vitality which flowed from God acting upon us through His creative and redeeming work which makes us whole, but today's Nihilism conforms humanity to a valueless and purposeless mass, heading slowly but surely to the eve of its own annihilation, either through various instruments of genocide, or by 'adapting' men and women into some techno-adjusted unit, which is only valued so long as it consumes and produces what is deemed appropriate.

Heaven and earth require something far more of us than such hollow conformity.

The person of Jesus Christ towers about all our modernist claims and failures, and calls us to the challenge of finding true purpose and definition.

That is the point of reference for 2023.

Beyond the perpetual failure of our race, there is a brighter day - and it is calling to each of us.

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