Saturday 1 April 2023


 "I will make the land a desolate waste. The pride of her strength will vanish. The region from its mountains onward will be a ruin that none shall even pass through".

Ezekiel 33:28.

For much of my life, the 'high' culture and values of the Western world, along with it's affluence and capitalism, was something that appeared as certain as the sun above or the self assured behaviour of those around you.

That has vanished in the last decade, and especially since 2020.

Now, we live in a world where we're continually reminded that 'extremism', particular social attitudes in respect to values and the environment, and negligence of participation in what is defined as what's best for us are "criminal" to our future.

The goal is not just the annulment of what was, but the total extermination of anything and everything that even suggests that 'some' of these beliefs and values were essentially good.

The exterminators are upon the world in force, and they do not care what is possible once they are finished, only that they are free to run amuck and incinerate any shred of what is noble and speaks true.

The time has long since past that we can stop this. Educational facilities, Governments, Social initiatives, Religious bodies, and much else besides have long been at the forefront of this revolt and are now working with a frantic fury to complete what is left to be done to grant the 'singularity' of the new era.

What will this look like?

Jesus describes it as a return the age of Noah - when men had no law but their own unbridled desires and their was no appetite for what mattered, socially or individually. Marriage, and thereby family itself became corrupted and tyranny to an order which hated the nature and image of God became commonplace.

We have witnessed this unfolding for some three centuries in Europe, and we now appear close to its strongest manifestation since the age of Nimrod at Babel.

Such evil is only remedied when what is unchecked is emptied by the extraordinary victory of Golgotha; when Christ's atoning blood becomes our safe haven in the tempest and carries through death in life.

Our natural propensity is always to seek to short-circuit what counts - tied to our own remedy to the moment, but these evils are only defeated by the crucified Jesus. He alone denudes such powers and brings health through resurrection to our dying realm.

Allow God to speak that health today, because the alternative is perpetually dreadful.

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