Sunday 2 April 2023

The Fortune

 "The Lord Fathered me at the beginning of His work - the very first of His acts of old. Before the beginning of the earth, when there were no depths, I was thus nurtured. Before a world with its fields or the very first dust of the ground. When the heavens were fashioned I was there, when He bound the very face of the deep, establishing the worlds unfathomable fountains, and set the bedrock foundations of the earth, I was there beside Him as a master craftsman, His daily delight, rejoicing in a flourishing realm and the coming of the children of men". Proverbs 8:22-31.

When we look at the place of the skull this easter, we need to understand what is truly manifest there.

In the infinite "age" before creation began, before any angel sang or star burst into brightness, the radiance of all ages was "born" in an era when the Father knew that the eternal beauty and radiance of His beloved Son would be expressed in the exquisite allure of Him revealed to all that would be as... The Lamb (the sublime wisdom and true power of God's vital nature).

The book of Proverbs shows us that the handiwork of God begins in the Fathering of the one who works perpetually beside Him, who is His unique and continual delight, for He genuinely and singularly conveys and reflects the true radiance and eternal glory of the Father.

The purpose to be expressed in all that is made is the majesty of this sublime splendour, and we see it most gloriously and freely extended to us in God's beloved offering Himself up upon the tree, dying there to complete what was intended so long ago - a work that is entirely underpinned by the exquisite excellence of the love continually shared between the Father and the Son.

The Lord has wrought all that has been made evident that it may be brought to a point where this inheritance is fully received, that all will truly come to be defined by the love of God - the profound totality of its richness and thrive within this forever.

That is why we are brought to the Cross.

From the very depths of such anguish and despair, God has wrought a work that will fill all with the goodness of the union shared in the Godhead for every moment of every age that is to come.

This wisdom has prepared her table, and is calling us to her feast - the time is now to eat her bread and drink her wine, so let come with great thanksgiving to the table given to us this season, and fully and freely share in the life that is given for us that we might share in the richness of this astounding inheritance.

A very full and joyful easter!

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