Sunday 23 July 2023

The Wrong Olympus

 So, what does this year's serious biography cinematic event say about the days in which we live?

Well, it tells us why all the 'prophets' of doom regarding the end of the world are looking in all the wrong places for the cause of a demise. It isn't because we merely need to tweak our life styles of all embrace that latest expression of yoke culture. Something fare more pernicious is at play, and our living in an atomic moment is simply a fundamental expression of this fatal condition.

To come to the film itself...

So Nolan's "Modern Prometheus" tale of Oppenheimer is told between two, oh so telling scenes involving another vital player on the stage of modern physics, and the conversation at the centre of these scenes - as the conclusion of the film implies - is so much larger than what was done at Los Alamos. This theme is repeated in a brief, vial meeting with Bohr around to thirds of the way through the movie, reminding us that the vital structure for this 'new' atomic world was very much born in the old world so fertile for the evil of nazism and eugenics which itself had been born out of the misery of mechanised warfare unleashed in the trenches of world war one as a result of the ideology that spawned from the enlightenment that killed the true health of the West. 

That is our inheritance. That is why our world is dying.This horrifying tale reminds afresh of just how deep the present pit is that modern man has thrown his world into in respect to severing us from what we should be - children of our caring and gracious God, who, thankfully, is able to reach down even into the lowest depths of this pit to make us free in the redeeming blood of His only Son - the one true hope for this broken world.

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