Tuesday 18 July 2023

Worth your time.

 I want to address your attention to something really worth your time today.

A few recent thoughts, however, I'd like to share before taking you there.

Most of us are no doubt familiar with the Apostle’s warning to Timothy how in the last times, the very nature of what would be manifest amongst people  - the very expression of the human condition would clearly become even more disrupted and distorted than it had been in prior periods and seasons of evil.

Paul speaks of this as being a particularly difficult time because even people’s natural (normal) affection for each other will fade and be replaced with a state of explicit selfishness expressed in the pursuit of purely material wealth and well-being;  a brash, savage attitude towards what should actually genuinely define life - a perpetual existence, in other words, that becomes more and more a silencing of the truth which enriches us in favour of what leaves us devoid of any true virtue and love.

The route into this nightmare is clearly being expressed all around us today -
go with the flow, play the game your being instructed to play and don't ask any questions, not only regarding those calling the shoots, but of yourself - just fall in line, because yes, why you are being manipulated, it's done in such a way that it "does you good"... at least until it's too late to get out of the web.

Applying this approach of course has vast consequences for everyone - it bends and distorts the fabric of whats true until its so warped we cannot see it any longer.

We're either dying in the worse sense or being saved in spite of ourselves - those are actually the only real options.The present 'culture' is all about the first of these.

So, what is at the centre of us, of all - that makes or brakes?

Liberty which is external and internal is what's required if we are to see a conclusion to all tyranny - so is that where our journey now is taking us?

A wicked king - a foolish life - seeks to build treasure cities in this moment whilst it oppresses any who denies its folly.

I say all of this to invite you to sit and listen to wisdom that cracks and yet rescues the world, and us along with it, if we have ears that can lead us to wisdom.

So take time to listen, and understand the wonders that our true Creator and Deliverer has wrought amongst our world: 

Part one of a truly series on the Book of Exodus.

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